Wires Computing Electronics & Computer Repair - Burlington VT

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Wires Computing Repair Shop on College St Burlington

Wires Computing has been servicing Burlington, VT on College St for the last 10 years.

Wires Computing in Burlington, Vermont

Wires Computing is located at 383 College St. #1F Burlington, VT 05401

Only 1 mile from UVM & Champlain College

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Cell Phone Repairs, Apple MacBook Repairs, Computer Repairs

Wires Computing in Burlington, VT offers a wide variety of repair services for all of your electronics

Wires Computing is located at 383 College St. #1F Burlington, VT. The shop is within walking distance from UVM and Champlain College. Give our computer repair shop a call and we’ll handle your Mac and PC repair, desktop computer repair, virus removal, Micro Soldering, Phantom Drone repair and more.